Grow Guides

How to Grow Cabbage

Cabbages are annual plants that mature in about 90 days. These plants prefer well-drained rich soil although you have to keep the plants wet when you water them.

It may not be a really popular plant among many gardeners but those who love it would want to know how to grow cabbages will have to put in a little work so you can get a good harvest.

This plant can thrive very well with other herbs such as thyme, rosemary, and mints. It is also a good buddy to other vegetables such as beets, broad beans, potatoes, celery, peas, garlic, and onions.

You will have to work on getting rid of some of its common visitors like cabbage worms, flea beetles, and aphids.

Where to Grow Cabbage

Those who live in the eastern states will have more options when to grow their cabbages. It is typical for people who live in these areas to grow them from fall to spring.

However, those who live in colder climates still have the opportunity to grow this vegetable. It is best for those who live in colder places to plant their cabbages in the middle of summer.

Needed Items

Here are the things you need on how to grow cabbage. You’ll need fertilizer, compost, light row covers, and shade cloth. You can purchase young cabbage plants from a nursery. You will also just need the most basic garden tools.

How to Grow Cabbage

The first step in how to grow cabbages is to prepare your garden soil. It should be made rich and fertile, which basically means you have to add fertilizer to your garden soil.

Blend in compost before transplanting your seedlings. Use fertilizers only once a month.

Though cabbages grow well where it is warmer, you should plant them with about 50% shade. Use your shade cloth to achieve this effect.

A good idea is to have them start on flats. This is an important point to remember on how to grow cabbages.

Transplant the young cabbage plants you bought in order to keep the first real leaves above the soil. Keep plants about six inches away from each other.

Remember to pack the soil so the roots will be covered completely. Once you have a row of young cabbages planted you should protect them from the common pests that plague them.

Cover your rows of cabbages with lightweight row covers.


Cabbage is harvested using a sharp knife and cutting at ground level. If you planted summer or spring varieties of cabbage you may cut a small ‘x’ on the stump after harvesting.

And from these cuts will grow a second crop. And that’s basically how to grow cabbages at home.

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