Grow Guides

How to Grow Salvia

Commonly known as sage, salvia is an ornamental plant, whose flowers are developed into panicles, racemes, or spikes.

The usual colors of the flower sage are blue, yellow, white, and red. The plant’s calyx has a bell or tubular shape. Most of the kinds of sage have hairs that grow on flowers, leaves, and stems.

Examples of the popular species of sage are salvia officinalis, salvia apiana, and salvia splendens. To learn how to grow salvia, it is best to start with learning the location where the plant grows best.

Additionally, it is also important to know when it is time to water the plant.

Materials Needed

In order to avoid experiencing troubles, it is important to get all the materials that you will need beforehand. Some of the materials that you need are a small trowel and fertilizer.

Aside from these, you should purchase salvia plants from local nurseries.


Where does salvia grow? Even if the plant grows in any condition, it is best that you cultivate the plant in places with full sunlight.

If you cannot find sage plants in nurseries, you can start with a cutting of sage. Place the cutting in a jar or a cup filled with water. Let the cutting stay in the jar for a week to two weeks. You can remove the cutting from the water as soon as it has roots.

Fertilize and moist rich and loose soil. Plant the cutting in the soil. After planting sage, water the plant generously with the use of spraying bottles or watering cans.

Water the plant every day because it can help strengthen the roots of sage. After two to three weeks, you can lessen the time that you water the plant.

To enhance the growth of the plant, you need to apply fertilizer in the soil. Make sure that the fertilizer that you will apply is organic. Continue to water the plant and wait for a month and you will see flowers start to bloom.

Additional Tips and Information

Sage grows well in areas with humid temperatures. When you transplant salvia, water the plant with lukewarm water for the first week.

Mulching and pruning are also helpful in triggering the growth of the plant. If you plant the salvia in your backyard, always check the perimeter for weeds and molds because these can hinder the development of the plant.

If you want to plant sage indoors, use large pots and place the pots in an area where there is full sunlight.

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